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Gnodev allows for quick and efficient development of Gno code.

By watching your development directory, gnodev detects changes in your Gno code, reflecting them in the state of the node immediately. Gnodev also runs a local instance of gnoweb, allowing you to see the rendering of your Gno code instantly.


  • In-Memory Node: Gnodev starts an in-memory node, and automatically loads the examples folder and any user-specified paths.
  • Web Interface Server: Gnodev automatically starts a gnoweb server on localhost:8888.
  • Balances and Keybase Customization: Users can set account balances, load them from a file, or add new accounts via a flag.
  • Hot Reload: Gnodev monitors the examples folder, as well as any folder specified as an argument for file changes, reloading and automatically restarting the node as needed.
  • State Maintenance: Gnodev replays all transactions in between reloads, ensuring the previous node state is preserved.


Gnodev can be found in the contribs folder in the monorepo. To install gnodev, run make install.


Gnodev can be run from anywhere on the machine it was installed on, and it will automatically load the examples folder, providing all the packages and realms found in it for use.


For hot reloading, gnodev watches the examples folder, as well as any specified folder:

gnodev ./myrealm

Keybase and Balance

Gnodev will, by default, load the keybase located in your GNOHOME directory, pre-mining 10e12 amount of ugnot to all of them. This way, users can interact with Gnodev's in-memory node out of the box. The addresses and their respective balance can be shown at runtime by pressing A to display accounts interactively.

Adding or Updating Accounts

Utilize the --add-account flag to add a new account or update an existing one in your local Keybase, following the format <bech32/name>[:<amount>]. The <bech32/name> represents the specific key name or address, and <amount> is an optional limitation on the account.

Example of use:

gnodev --add-account <bech32/name1>[:<amount1>] --add-account <bech32/name2>[:<amount2>] ...

Please note: If the address exists in your local Keybase, the --add-account flag will only update its amount, instead of creating a duplicate.

Balance file

You can specify a balance file using --balance-file. The file should contain a list of Bech32 addresses with their respective amounts:

# Accounts:
g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5=10000000000000ugnot # test1
g1us8428u2a5satrlxzagqqa5m6vmuze025anjlj=10000000000000ugnot # test2

# ...


All realms and packages will be deployed to the in-memory node by the address passed in with the --deploy-key flag. The deploy-key address can be changed for a specific package or realm by passing in the desired address (or a known key name) using with the following pattern:

gnodev ./myrealm?creator=g1....

A specific deposit amount can also be set with the following pattern:

gnodev ./myrealm?deposit=42ugnot

This patten can be expanded to accommodate both options:

gnodev ./myrealm?creator=<addr>&deposit=<amount>

Interactive Usage

While gnodev is running, the following shortcuts are available:

  • To see help, press H.
  • To display accounts balances, press A.
  • To reload manually, press R.
  • To reset the state of the node, press CMD+R.
  • To stop gnodev, press CMD+C.


--minimalStart gnodev without loading the examples folder.
--no-watchDisable hot reload.
--add-accountPre-add account(s) in the form <bech32>[=<amount>]
--balances-fileLoad a balance for the user(s) from a balance file.
--chain-idSet node ChainID
--deploy-keyDefault key name or Bech32 address for uploading packages.
--homeSet the path to load user's Keybase.
--max-gasSet the maximum gas per block
--no-replayDo not replay previous transactions upon reload
--node-rpc-listenerlistening address for GnoLand RPC node
--rootgno root directory
--server-modedisable interaction, and adjust logging for server use.
--verboseenable verbose output for development
--web-listenerweb server listening address