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gnoland is the blockchain client binary, which is capable of managing node working files, as well as starting the blockchain client itself.

gnoland init

gnoland init is supposed to initialize the node's working directory in the given path. The node's data directory is comprised initially from the node's secrets and config (default values).

It is meant to be an initial step in starting the gno blockchain client, as the client itself cannot run without secrets data like private keys, and a configuration. When the blockchain client is started, it will initialize on its own relevant DB working directories inside the node directory.

gnoland init --help

init [flags]

initializes the node directory containing the secrets and configuration files

-data-dir gnoland-data the path to the node's data directory
-force=false overwrite existing data, if any

Example usage

Generating fresh secrets / config

To initialize the node secrets and configuration to ./example-node-data, run the following command:

gnoland init --data-dir ./example-node-data

This will initialize the following directory structure:

└── example-node-data/
├── secrets/
│ ├── priv_validator_state.json
│ ├── node_key.json
│ └── priv_validator_key.json
└── config/
└── config.toml

Overwriting the secrets / config

In case there is an already existing node directory at the given path, you will need to provide an additional --force flag to enable data overwrite.

Back up any secrets

Running gnoland init will generate completely new node secrets (validator private key, node p2p key), so make sure you back up any existing secrets (located at <node-dir>/secrets) if you intend to overwrite them, in case you don't want to lose them.

Following up from the previous example where our desired node directory is example-node-data - to initialize a completely new node data directory, with overwriting any existing data, run the following command:

gnoland init --data-dir ./example-node-data --force